Report Options presets

Report Options presets are stored configurations which you can use to quickly configure the Options and Additional Net Partners settings when generating a result set report. They should not to be confused with Currency and Discounting presets.

The presets are shared by Economics users in the same tenant.

For version 16.5 Update 7 and later: Each preset has permissions that can be set for workgroups and users. See below for details.

If the Report Options Preset field in set to blank then no preset will be used. You can edit all of the input fields for Options and Additional Net Partners (see Result Set Reports for details).

When a preset has been selected from the drop-down menu, the input fields are fixed (and grayed out) based on the contents of the preset. For example:


If you click Edit then all of the fields can be edited. Then click Save to save the edits into the preset, or click Discard Changes to cancel your edits.

To create a new preset, click New to open a New Report Options Preset dialog.


Enter a Name for the preset. To copy settings from an existing preset, check Copy From and use the drop-down menu to select a preset. Click OK to close the dialog and create the preset. Now use Edit to open the preset for editing and make changes as necessary.

If you click Manage you will open a dialog containing a list of the stored presets, which you can use to Rename or Delete a preset.


For version 16.5 Update 7 and later: You can use the Permissions button in the dialog to edit the permissions for a preset.

When a preset is created, 'Full Access' permissions are granted to the user who created the preset (and to Administrator users). No other users or workgroups are granted permissions by default. However, all users have allowed 'Read' access (i.e., to use the preset in 'read only' mode) for all presets and this permission cannot be removed.

For version 16.5 Update 13 and later: 'Read' permission can be allowed or denied, in the same way as the other permissions.